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Whole Hemp Seed

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RRP: $2.64
$1.59 (You save $1.05)
1.05 LBS
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 Product Description

Hemp seeds come from the same hemp plant renowned for its durable fiber. The seeds of the plant are edible (known as hemp seeds, or hemp nuts).  Hemp seed is widely used in fishing baits and especially good for carp, because it provides a crunch factor they love.

**Price is per pound!


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 Product Reviews

  1. Hemp Seed - classic particles

    Posted by Barry Shildneck on 22nd Aug 2020

    Correctly prepared hemp seed can often be a difference maker in your carp fishing. The tiny seeds attract - and hold - carp in your swim. Once the carp find those small bits, they often stay in the area until they've searched out and eaten every tiny particle, which increases your chances of catching.

    I usually add hemp - along with bird seed - to my cage feeder mix, and often to my spod mixes as well.

    I gave this 4 stars because it works for me, but since I've never used hemp from any other source and have nothing to compare it to, I couldn't fairly give it 5 stars.

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